Troubleshooting Red Hat Linux for your Company's Employees

Troubleshooting Red Hat Linux for your Company's Employees One of the most important assets in your business is the IT department. Their skills, knowledge, and experience will determine the success of your technology, which translates into a successful business. Failure to invest in employee training, you will be sacrificing the security and performance of your business because your organization won’t reap the performance and price of your Red Hat environment.

Tips for Troubleshooting Linux

Your system administrator is responsible for ensuring that the Linux servers operate at their highest performance. Therefore, Linux troubleshooting is necessary for the data center. Formal training can help your employees to do the following:

Make Use of the Available Linux Performance Tools

If your employees are used to pidstat, pchar or perf events, they aren’t alone. These Linux performance tools are underutilized, and they perform static and dynamic tracing, characterize bandwidth, and monitor tasks on servers. Although these tools may sound obscure, when implemented properly they can be of great help in Linux performance.

Handling Malware Attacks on the Linux Servers

Contrary to common belief, malware can affect Linux servers; they are just different from how they look on other platforms. The most common causes of these problems are Rootkits because they change the server binaries and switch them with other versions that have backdoors that can compromise the privacy and security of your system. Through formal Red Hat training, your employees will learn how to use file checkers or through Advanced Intrusions Detection environment to identify any damages caused by the rootkits. Troubleshooting training will also help your employees brush up on some commands, for instance, rpm-Va which can be of great help in checksum verification.

Act Fast When the SSH Server Disconnects

SSH (secure shell connections) let sysadmins to manage remote Unix and Linux systems. However, there is also a risk of getting disconnected from the server. This is a bad thing, and it continues growing when your admins remain logged into several servers simultaneously. SSH is responsible for closing idle connections to manage resources proficiently. When your employee experienced frequent disconnections from the server, they can make use of two types of settings when troubleshooting: the ClientAliveInterval parameter and the TCPKeepAlive. ClientAliveInterval parameter authorizes the Secure Shell Daemon to sporadically check connections in use. On the other hand, TCPKeepAlive confirms that certain sessions are still active.

How can your Employees Benefit from Formal Training in this Area?

According to Info Entrepreneurs, skill is important for the success of any business, and this makes the link between formal training and skill acquisition equally important. Additionally, formal employee training is also tied to the business drivers, such as growth, cost control, meeting customer expectations, managing risk, and competition in IT based businesses. As you consider the Linux Red Hat troubleshooting training for your employees, it’s also important that you understand the benefits that are associated with training employees.

Red Hat Linux Troubleshooting Training Benefits

Risk Mitigation

Risk is intrinsic in most businesses, which makes risk management important in any business. Reducing risk that is associated with technology is based on three key areas including skills, system performance, and practices. Training that includes proven troubleshooting skills help to maximize the impact of technology. A business that has well-trained employees that can use reliable systems are exposed to reduced risk. Additionally, well-trained employees will help to reduce performance risks.

A major benefit of being able to effectively mitigate risk is maintaining end-user or stakeholder satisfaction. Reducing unscheduled downtime and managing potential risks has a great impact on satisfaction. This is why most system administrators focus more on capability rather than the general employee qualification. When your business is better at its system administration, your clients (end-users) will be better served and satisfied.

Staff Efficiency and Productivity

Training your employees will increase their productivity and also enable them to make better use of advanced technology. Well-trained employees are less likely to produce errors, and they can make use of the troubleshooting skills to keep downtime as short as possible. In most cases, after undergoing a troubleshooting training course, workers can see ways that they can make use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) to benefit the business.

One of the ways that your trained employees will improve efficiency is by either standardizing on processes that are developed by the organization or standardizing processes or by establishing protocols that are built into the server.

Signs that your Employees Require this Type of Training?

The current IT trends require employees with deep capability to impact technology on business. Consider training your employees if they:

  • Lack basic Red Hat Linux troubleshooting skills
  • They have low productivity
  • Have a low-quality output
  • There are negative complaints from end-users

There’s no doubt that Red Hat Linux troubleshooting skills are relevant to employees in businesses today. Connect with Infotec today to learn more.

Troubleshooting Red Hat Linux for your Company's Employees

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