VMWare Cloud Certification Options for Your IT Department
With the increasing dominance of server virtualization and the rising adoption of virtual desktops in the business environments, virtualization certificates are not only necessary but are prerequisites for IT administrators.
Virtualization has a myriad of purposes, from being an essential part of cloud computing to virtualizing servers. Many companies can benefit from incorporating VMware as well as training their employees and getting the certified in it. Nevertheless, how does VMware cloud certification help exactly?
Since the World Wide Web’s emergence, there has not been a technology that has revolutionized how businesses operate such as cloud computing. At a basic level, cloud computing is all about changing how clients interact with their applications and data. Rather than being stored in hard drives and network servers, applications and data are stored in a remote host, which can be accessed at any moment – from whichever location – using a simple web browser and the internet.
What is VMware?
The initials ‘VM’ in VMware stand for Virtual Machine. Essentially, this means that it is a staging environment. In other words, it is a replica of the networks, server, and operating system that you have in place. This functions and looks just like your live system without affecting real-time processes.
This implies that any changes you apply to the virtual machine will not have consequences on your actual system, thus leaving it intact, even if the operating system on your virtual machine crashes.
The idea behind using VMware, as opposed to a physical staging environment that has an ISP connection, servers, switches, and routers, is that it is practical, requires little maintenance, and is cost-effective; it gets the job done.
Concisely, virtualization involves the installment of multiple operating systems for one or multiple servers or workstations onto a single server or workstation. This makes it a very practical application for many businesses because the processing power of a typical server or workstation is severely underutilized. Most systems normally use only 5 – 15% of their processing abilities.
Why use VMware?
Since its birth in 1988, VMware is considered the leader in virtualization technology. It went ahead to develop some of the best quality cloud networking programs of the 21st Century. Businesses that need to make the most out of cloud or virtual environments have often had to hire IT pros with VMware knowledge. Here is why you should consider VMware for your enterprise:
- Reliability. This platform has built-in security and reliability tools that prevent your company’s systems from being transferred or copied to a public computer and used for nefarious activities. Additionally, there is little downtime associated with virtual machines hence they are easily accessible.
- Easy Management. Using VMware is quite straightforward once you get the necessary training. In fact, you do not have to manually install applications onto your employees’ PCs because you can do it via the virtual environment instead. Additionally, you can patch and upgrade applications and push them to the actual system without having to access a physical computer. Also, your storage will be situated in one location instead of having to use separate storage devices in a bid to accommodate your company’s data volume.
- Hardware Independence. VMs do not require physical hardware to operate. Thus, you can utilize any system that you have in place, regardless of compatibility in the PC. For example, you can run Mac software on a PC; the reverse is also true.
- Saving Costs. You will save money on electricity that is required to power several machines. Also, housing several virtualized machines in just one physical machine is a lot more cost-effective than purchasing multiple machines and servers. Not to mention the physical space you'll save.
Why get the VMware cloud certification?
If your company wants to incorporate and implement the VMware program, you will need to get your employees certified so that the program can be properly utilized. Even though there are IT pros that are VM certified and can assist in explaining and troubleshooting certain processes for your company, educating your employees about the virtual machines that your firm wishes to utilize is the single most practical and cost-effective thing you can do.
Here are the employees that will benefit most from VMware cloud certification training within your company:
- Security specialists who will manage, secure, and administer the virtual infrastructure.
- Performance analysts who will evaluate business metrics.
- Storage administrators for backing up the company’s systems.
VMware is regarded as the world’s most well reputed virtualization provider, offering employees extensive knowledge of its technologies, which will work towards an enterprise’s benefit.
Are You Ready to Certify Your Employees?
Infotec is a highly rated training platform for all kinds of IT certifications and classes. We also provide VMware training and certification perfect for any user, no matter their level of familiarity with virtual machines. Connect with us today for more information on training your employees in VMWare.
For more information about Infotec or any of our programs click here: http://www.infotectraining.com/ or https://ops.infotecpro.com/course_schedule/course_schedule.cfm.