Information Technology Boot Camp Facts Every Employer Needs to Know

Professional certifications are an important part of building a successful career in information technology. Employers can help their workers become more efficient in their jobs and expand their knowledge in additional aspects of IT with these certifrications. There are a variety of training choices when studying for A+, Cisco, or Linux certification exams.

Bootcamp-style training sessions are a fast and affordable way to obtain the knowledge necessary to pass certification tests. Here's some more information about bootcamps, their purpose, and their benefits for employers and employees.

Bootcamp Basics

The goal of a career training bootcamp is to understand and retain a large amount of information in a short time. Instructor-led activities are combined with self-education techniques to help students learn the material in an efficient manner. These sessions are referred to as bootcamps due to their intensive nature, in the style of military training boot camps.

Training sessions for programmers vary in length from a few days to several weeks, depending on the course objectives. In the classroom, students will hear lectures from instructors based on textbook reading material. These lectures are complemented by group activities and hands-on projects that teach the core skills discussed in class. Instructors are available throughout self-paced and group activities to assist when necessary.

The unique structure of bootcamp learning allows students of every knowledge and ability level to acquire the knowledge needed to pass their chosen certification exam. Unlike other types of training programs, a technology boot camp is designed to teach real-life career skills through experience. There is no time wasted on irrelevant material or unrelated academic requirements.

During training, students will also have the chance to take practice certification tests. This helps identify any problems before they take the official test so they can do additional training if needed. This simple strategy ensures exam readiness and contributes to the high success rate found in these types of training programs.

The Importance of Full Participation

Like many things in life, the bootcamp experience is enhanced by full participation. Passive learning techniques like listening to verbal instructions while taking notes are not effective. Asking questions, applying knowledge, and working hands on is key to doing well in an IT bootcamp.

Bootcamps use active learning techniques to keep students engaged and help them understand objectives on a practical level. These techniques need less repetition, which makes it possible to learn complex technical subjects in a short time. Group discussions, frequent summary sessions, and hands-on self-directed projects cement new ideas in the learner’s mind.

In a bootcamp training, students are expected to be prepared and do their best. This means completing assigned readings and homework, bringing necessary materials to class, and asking instructors for help when needed.

Bootcamps are a group experience. The success of each individual depends on the overall success of the group. Peer support is an important part of accelerated learning programs. Participate in group discussions and activities to get the most out of the material.

Would a Bootcamp Be Good for Your Company?

Working IT professionals looking to add certifications to their resumes and employers of technical specialists benefit from the condensed format of boot camp training. Less time in the classroom means less work hours missed.

Additionally, Bootcamps are less expensive than other training programs. Tuition often includes testing fees as well. Employers seeking to certify existing employees may be eligible for group discounts.

Infotec Extreme Bootcamps will help your employees achieve certification goals quickly and affordably. Contact us to learn more about certification training, bootcamps, and online learning opportunities.

Information Technology Boot Camp Facts Every Employer Needs to Know

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