Chapter 1: What the TSP s Design Means to You
- Recent (and, for Some, Troublesome) Changes to the TSP
- Payroll Withholding
- Investment Rates and Agency Contributions
- Tax Treatment
- Roth Balances
- Investment Choices
- Special Investment Considerations
- The Shares System and Dollar Costs Averaging
- Catch-Up Contributions
- Rollovers from Other Retirement Plans
- Loan Program
- In-Service Withdrawals
- Options at Separation
- Special Rules for Reservists
Chapter 2: The TSP s Place in Your Overall Assets
- The TSP Tax Advantage
- The TSP Administrative Expenses Advantage
- The Importance of Participation
- The TSP s Role in Your Retirement Savings
- The TSP and Individual Retirement Accounts
- The TSP and Your Other Savings Purposes
- Balancing Risk
Chapter 3: Time and Timing Considerations for Continued TSP Investing
- Account Growth
- Maximizing Investments
- Risk and Return
- The TSP Funds
- How the TSP Stock Funds Relate to Each Other
- The L Funds
- The Mutual Fund Window
- Your Time Frame
- Timing TSP Investments
Chapter 4: Investment Questions and Answers
- Investment Rules
- The G Fund
- The C Fund
- The F Fund
- The S Fund
- The I Fund
- The L Funds
- Moving Money among Funds
- Account Information and Servicing
Chapter 5: Loans and In-Service Withdrawals
- Loans
- In-Service Withdrawals
Chapter 6: Looking Ahead to a TSP Withdrawal
- Growth of Current Account Balance
- Growth of Future Investments
- Translating Your TSP Account into Potential Income
Chapter 7: A Framework for Your Withdrawal Decision
- Projecting Your Basic Federal Retirement Benefit
- Projecting Income from Other Sources
- How Long You Might Be Retired
- Assessing Your Retirement Income Goals and Needs
- Timing Your TSP Withdrawal
- The Minimum Distribution Rule
- Finding the Best Deal
Chapter 8: : Lump Sum Distributions
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Tax Implications
Chapter 9: Installment Payments
- Calculating Payments
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Tax Implications
Chapter 10: Annuities
- Calculating Payments
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Tax Implications
Chapter 11: Survivor Benefit Considerations
- TSP Death Benefits
- Civil Service Retirement Survivor Benefits
- Social Security Survivor Benefits
- Other Income for Your Survivor
- The Survivor Annuity Choice
Chapter 12: Other Withdrawal Considerations
- Mixing and Matching
- Spouse Rights
- Court Orders
Chapter 13: TSP Resources
- The ThriftLine
- Online Services
- Addresses