Level 1
Chapter 1: Fundamentals
- Module A: Getting around
- Module B: Workbook basics
Chapter 2: Creating worksheets
- Module A: Entering data
- Module B: Formulas
- Module C: Functions
- Module D: Moving and copying data
- Module E: Reference types
Chapter 3: Formatting
- Module A: Text formatting
- Module B: Number formatting
- Module C: Alignment
- Module D: Borders and highlighting
- Module E: Styles and themes
Chapter 4: Manipulating data
- Module A: Data entry shortcuts
- Module B: Paste options
- Module C: Inserting, deleting, and hiding
Chapter 5: Charts
- Module A: Creating charts
- Module B: Chart types and elements
Chapter 6: Output
- Module A: Managing worksheet windows
- Module B: Printing worksheets
- Module C: Sharing workbooks
Chapter 7: Settings and templates
- Module A: Workbook options and properties
- Module B: Templates
Level 2
Chapter 1: Managing workbooks
- Module A: Managing worksheets
- Module B: Customizing Excel
Chapter 2: Named ranges
- Module A: Using names in formulas
Chapter 3: Tables
- Module A: Sorting
- Module B: Filtering tables
- Module C: Structured references
- Module D: Validation
- Module E: Transposing data
Chapter 4: Summarizing data
- Module A: Consolidation
- Module B: Subtotals
Chapter 5: PivotTables
- Module A: Creating and formatting PivotTables
- Module B: Manipulating PivotTables
- Module C: PivotCharts
Chapter 6: Presentation features
- Module A: Conditional formats
- Module B: Custom Formats
- Module C: Graphics
Chapter 7: Advanced charts
- Module A: Special chart types
- Module B: Sparklines
- Module C: Quick Analysis
Chapter 8: Collaboration
- Module A: Permissions
- Module B: Shared workbooks