Federal Risk Management Framework

Course Schedule:

Please contact Infotec at 1-800-720-9185 regarding the availability of this class.


The Risk Management Framework or RMF is the common information security framework for the federal government. RMF aims to improve information security, strengthen the risk management processes, and encourage reciprocity among federal agencies.

Course Content

Chapter 1: RMF, cybersecurity policy regulations, and roles and responsibilities

  • Module A: Introduction to RMF
  • Module B: Cybersecurity policy regulations and framework
  • Module C: RMF roles and responsibilities

Chapter 2: Risk analysis

  • Module A: Risk management
  • Module B: Risk assessment and the RMF process

Chapter 3: The RMF process

  • Module A: Step 0 Prepare
  • Module B: Step 1 Categorize
  • Module C: Step 2 Select
  • Module D: Step 3 Implement
  • Module E: Step 4 Assess
  • Module F: Step 5 Authorize
  • Module G: Step 6 Monitor

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