Chapter 1: Security fundamentals
- Module A: Security concepts
- Module B: Understanding threats
- Module C: Enterprise security strategy
Chapter 2: Risk management
- Module A: Risk management programs
- Module B: Security audits
- Module C: Conducting security assessments
Chapter 3: Organizational security
- Module A: Social engineering
- Module B: Security policies
- Module C: User roles and training
Chapter 4: Cryptography
- Module A: Cryptography concepts
- Module B: Public key infrastructure
Chapter 5: Network connectivity
- Module A: Network attacks
- Module B: Packet flow
Chapter 6: Secure network configuration
- Module A: Network security components
- Module B: Secure network protocols
- Module C: Hardening networks
Chapter 7: Authentication
- Module A: Authentication factors
- Module B: Authentication protocols
Chapter 8: Access control
- Module A: Access control principles
- Module B: Account management
Chapter 9: Enterprise architecture
- Module A: System vulnerabilities
- Module B: System architecture
Chapter 10: Secure assets
- Module A: Physical security and safety
- Module B: Securing data
Chapter 11: Securing specialized systems
- Module A: Securing hosts
- Module B: Mobile security
Chapter 12: Secure applications
- Module A: Application attacks
- Module B: Securing applications
Chapter 13: Disaster planning and recovery
- Module A: Secure operations
- Module B: Resilience and recovery
Chapter 14: Threat detection and response
- Module A: Security monitoring
- Module B: Incident response procedures